Concord MA to North Conway New Hampshire via Lexington MA, Tilton NH, Meredith NH, Lake Winnipesauk
Oct 03, 2013
Beautifully warm and sunny and more colour noticeable in the trees. The change is slow because of the unseasonal warm weather but for us ‘Leaf Peepers’ who are watching closely we can notice tiny changes each day.
We started the day by heading for Lexington still on the history trail and this is a view of Saint Brigid’s as we approached the Lexington Green.

And this is a lovely house typical of the town and also of the Concord area we explored yesterday.

And another with immaculately manicured gardens.

A view of Lexington Green where the local Militia faced off with the Red Coats all those years ago. The Obelisk to the left is the first War Memorial to be erected in the US and the flags were erected in 1965 by decree of government to fly 24hours a day.

A quirky little diner at Tilton Dean told us about last night which was our lunch spot. Called the Tilt’n Diner.

A pretty poor shot of some colour on the highway, not as good as we saw but one I could stop to take.

A view across Lake Winnipesaukee. There were a huge number of hotels and camp grounds in the area and would no doubt be packed in the summer.

And a view across Lake Chocorua to White Mountain. The photo doesn’t do it justice.

And a little shot of a little more colour but still only a taste in spite of a faint orange / yellow tinge to the hills.
Last night’s Accommodation:

The Colonial Inn
48 Monument Square
Concord, MA, 01742
A lovely old building dating back to 1716 which has grown and developed over time. The Inn itself was a rambling affair with multiple halls and stairwells to a number of different wings. There are also a couple of cottages out the back of the car park and we were in one of these and it was literally a cottage and very quaint complete with a comfortable four poster bed. Good value.
Last night’s Dinner:
The Colonial Inn Main Restaurant – we had a delicious meal, it was a reasonable cost and the service was good and helpful. We had a lovely night. Not loud and plenty of room to not feel crowded. Very nice.